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CJ Dropshipping

CJ Dropshipping

Tu vens, t'enviem i enviem!

CJdropshipping és una plataforma de solucions tot en un que ofereix diversos serveis, com ara abastament, enviament i emmagatzematge.

L'objectiu de CJ Dropshipping és ajudar els empresaris internacionals de comerç electrònic a aconseguir l'èxit empresarial.

3.7 (1)

Finger Gripper és rendible per vendre?

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Products related to exercise are always a magnet for popularity as an increasing number of people pay a greater premium for physical and mental health.

Indeed, the product we recommend today is one of the physically-friendly ones that enable you to exercise from anywhere at any time and ease a great ton of your stress.

This article aims to bring some detailed information about finger grippers for dropshippers, including their features and edges. Don’t miss this opportunity if you want to earn a fortune.

image of the finger gripper.

Potencial de venda de Finger Gripper

Tendència del mercat

Com es mostra a Google Trends, the search for finger grippers witnessed great momentum for growth last year. So, there is no exaggeration that it is a hot and trending product. Do not hesitate to act!

Moreover, this product is currently extremely popular in India. Unsurprisingly, it still has huge potential to succeed in other countries. Therefore, it is safe to say that the quicker you pour in money, the earlier you will earn a fortune.

google search trend for finger gripper.

Product Features of Finger Gripper

  • Ideal per als amants de l'esport: The Finger Gripper can improve the finger strength of athletes (rock climbing, fitness, tennis, baseball, boxing) and musicians (guitar, bass, pianist, and violinist) and daily housework ( driving, typing, writing, working, etc.).
  • 6 nivells resistents per triar: Silicone Finger Gripper provides you with 6 levels resistant levels, including 6.6LB, 8.8LB, 11LB, 13LB, 17LB, and 21LB. You can choose the appropriate level according to your grip strength.
  • Material d'alta qualitat: With high-quality silicone material, it is safe and durable, not easy to tear, and can be used for a long time.
  • Disseny portàtil i lleuger: Finger Grippers are small and light enough to fit in your gym bag or pocket. You can enjoy a workout at work or at leisure. Exercise your hands anytime, anywhere with the Finger Gripper.
image of the finger gripper.


People from worldwide seem to make a consensus on the functionality and benefits of this product, with a positive rating as high as 4.9 on the AliExpress.

Most customers are satisfied with the benefits the product has to offer in terms of hand exercise. As far, there is even no single negative review with but one customer stating that the product is average.

customer reviews of the finger grippers.


The price of finger grippers varies from place to place. On google, most stores sell them for about $25, with a few stores setting them up at $40.

The price range isn’t that wide. So, it will be easier to set up the price. A range between $20-$30 is the most reasonable.

By the way, in case you are puzzled as to price-setting, we suggest that you may make it in conformity with your total dropshipping cost. Generally speaking, the selling price should be two to three times the cost. For example, if your cost is $15, then $30 is fair.

average price of finger gripper on google.

Dropshipping Costs of Finger Grippers

Tarifes d'enviament

The price of Finger Grippers is fairly cheap as it is a small tool. Plus its shipping cost, the total dropshipping cost is no more than $15, which means it is easy to sell and has the huge potential to reach a broader scope of customers.

To make it easier, you may compare the prices and services of finger grippers from the following two top dropshipping platforms for reference to find out an ideal business partner.

product image of finger gripper.

CJ Dropshipping

  • Cost total d'enviament directe: 8.02 $
  • Temps de processament: 1-3 dies
  • Temps d'enviament: 7-15 dies
  • Shipping Method: CJPacket Ordinary

On CJdropshipping, the total dropshipping cost of a finger gripper als EUA és de 8.02 $, que inclou 3 $ per al producte i 4.42 $ per a l'enviament.

Per enviar el vaixell al mercat dels EUA, el millor mètode d'enviament is CJPacket Ordinary, with a competitive price and 7-15 days of shipping.

product page of finger gripper.


In contrast, on AliExpress, el cost total d'enviament directe als EUA és de 5.20 $ amb enviament gratuït.

With that being said, the shipping time of AliExpress can be comparatively long, with a time span of around a month. Adding to this is unavailable tracking, which means that you will have no idea as to where the package is in the entire month. For those who know dropshipping well, this can be the last straw.

  • Cost total d'enviament directe: 5.2 $
  • Temps de processament: 1-5 dies
  • Temps d'enviament: 30 dies
  • Mètode d'enviament: enviament estàndard d'AliExpress 
product page of finger gripper.


In comparison, AliExpress has a small advantage over its counterpart with respect to pricing. However, the difference is next to zero when you consider other conditions.

For instance, CJ’s shipping is considerably faster, with a delivery time of 7-15 days, than that of AliExpress, which stands at a month, a period too long for customers to wait. In light of a better shipping experience for your customers, CJdropshipping is your top choice.

Secondly, order tracking is available on CJ by which you can locate the package at any status, thus giving a real-time update to your customers. Besides, wouldn’t a package that goes for a month without information be considered a scam? Trust us, you wouldn’t want to go through this.

Paraules finals

In an era of cutthroat competition, office workers often unwillingly work overtime, especially after many top tech companies set about laying off redundancies. Inevitably, in the long run, this will lead to mental and physical exhaustion. Convenient and exquisite as it is, finger grippers are a good niche to relieve you from pressure during working time. Move now to be better off!


Pot CJ ajudar-vos a enviar aquests productes?

Sí! CJ dropshipping és capaç de proporcionar subministrament gratuït i enviament ràpid. Oferim una solució única tant per a les empreses de dropshipping com per a l'engròs.

Si us costa trobar el millor preu per a un producte específic, no dubteu a contactar amb nosaltres omplint aquest formulari.

També pots registrar-te al nostre lloc web oficial per consultar els agents professionals amb qualsevol dubte!

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Sobre CJ Dropshipping
CJ Dropshipping
CJ Dropshipping

Tu vens, t'enviem i enviem!

CJdropshipping és una plataforma de solucions tot en un que ofereix diversos serveis, com ara abastament, enviament i emmagatzematge.

L'objectiu de CJ Dropshipping és ajudar els empresaris internacionals de comerç electrònic a aconseguir l'èxit empresarial.