CJ Dropshipping-i buruz
CJ Dropshipping

CJ Dropshipping

Saltzen duzu, guk iturburu eta bidaltzen dizugu!

CJdropshipping bat-bateko soluzio plataforma bat da, hainbat zerbitzu eskaintzen dituena, besteak beste, hornikuntza, bidalketa eta biltegiratzea.

CJ Dropshipping-en helburua merkataritza elektronikoko nazioarteko ekintzaileei negozio arrakasta lortzen laguntzea da.


Saltzeko errentagarria al da Y2K Ruffle Split soinekoa?

Argitaratu Edukiak

Do you remember Y2K style? Velvet track pants, low rise denim skirts and bootcut jeans, bedazzled jackets and chunky heels and so on. With trends doing the rounds every 20 years, 00s fashion is coming back. And more new Y2K styling will be created.
What is Y2K fashion? The name “Y2K” referring to the year 2000 with fashion that provides nostalgic notes from late 90s to early 00s pop culture – think Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera in their maximalist silhouettes. Celebrities at the time were know as being edgy, rebellious and youthful which show through bright colour palettes, low rise distressed denim, sunglasses indoors, midi skirts and layered tees.
In this article, we will explore the profitability landscape of Y2K fashion by this ruffle split dress.

Selling Potential of The Ruffle Split Dress

Merkatuaren joera

According to Google Trends, the search trend for the Y2K ruffle split dress has seen fluctuations over the past several months but shows an upright trend recently.

Before entering any market, understanding the demand is crucial. Since 2020, the market for Y2K skirts has begun and has been on the rise. It is very likely that it will reach its peak in 2024, and there will be a huge consumer market.

Produktuen Ezaugarriak

  • Material ona: The main materials of this dress are polyester and spandex. The upper body is designed with micro-elasticity, so it won’t look too tight when you wear it. The lower body is made of thin mesh that flows gracefully in the wind.
  • Diseinu bakarra: First of all, the dress has suspenders and a square neck design, which will make you look sexier. Secondly, there is a large split design on the left side of the dress, which shows a bit of rebellion and unrestrainedness. Finally, the ruffle design is spliced to make the dress look more streamlined and beautiful.
  • Kolore gehiago: This dress has 4 colors: black, brown, red, and sky blue. Black is a versatile color that makes people look slimmer. The red color is very bright to make people more sexy. Blue is lively, playful and sweet.

TikTok Data

TikTok-en, produktu honen bilaketa ere nahiko nabarmena da. Milioi bat bisita baino gehiago jasotzen dituzten bideoak ohiko eszena dira. Produktu honen ospea berez azaltzen da.

Other platforms Data:

For the dress ,many platforms are also on sale. As you can see, the dress is very popular on mainstream platforms and some independent websites.If you don’t promote it any more, you will lose a lot of market demand.


The market price of the Y2K ruffle split dress is over $20, while the one we recommend stands at $16, leaving you a considerable profit range.
Such a competitive price offers you a good chance to beat your competitors and reap a ton of profits. If you are puzzled as to price-setting, we suggest that you may make it in conformity with your total dropshipping cost. You can also set up a comparably high price to earn more single profits or a low price to gain more traffic, both of which are good ways to market.

Dropshipping kostuak

CJ Dropshipping

  • Dropshipping kostu osoa: 15.75-16.96 $
  • Prozesatzeko denbora: 1-5 egun
  • Bidalketa denbora: 7-12 egun
  • Bidalketa metodoa: AliExpress Standard Shipping

AEBetan saldu nahi baduzu, bidalketa metodorik errentagarriena CJPacket Ordinary da, 7-12 egun bidaltzeko denbora eskaintzen duena.


  • Dropshipping kostu osoa: 22.15 $
  • Prozesatzeko denbora: 1-5 egun
  • Bidalketa denbora: 7-12 egun
  • Bidalketa metodoa: AliExpress Standard Shipping


We can see that CJ has an edge over AliExpress when it comes to pricing, with a price difference of around $5-6, which is a huge gap considering how much it will generate over the long run.
Gainera, bidalketari dagokionez, CJ azkarragoa da. Bidalketa-denbora, zalantzarik gabe, dropshipper-ek asko kezkatzen duten puntu kritikoa da dropshipping negozioan.
If you think a shipping time of 7-12 days is also comparatively long, CJ also offers a global warehouse delivery service. For instance, you may buy inventory on CJ to have them stocked at such warehouses as in the US, so that the shipping time can be curtailed to only 2-6 days, almost identical to the speed of domestic logistics.


Negozioa handitu nahi duten dropshipper esperientziadunentzat, marka aukera ona da diru-sarrerak handitzeko. Marka egiteko ohiko metodoak logo inprimatzea, ontzien diseinua eta produktuen pertsonalizazioa dira. Batzuek produktuetan edo kanpoko paketeetan logotipoak dituzten pegatinak jartzea ere aukeratzen dute aurrekontua aurrezteko.
However, no matter which method you want to choose, branding always requires a minimum order quantity. This means if you want to print logos or customize packaging for the product, you will have to purchase it in large quantities to get started. For example, if you are using CJdropshipping as a supplier, you can request the suppliers to provide logo printing services. If you are interested, you may turn to CJ agents to ask for the MOQ.
MOQ hau ez da gehiegi fabrikazio industrian duen unitateko prezioa kontuan hartuta, baina oraindik zaila izan daiteke dropshipper askorentzat. Beraz, ez dugu gomendatzen dropshipping hasiberriek pertsonalizazioa eskatzea lehenik. Baina aurrekontu nahikoa eta salmenta egonkorrak dituen dropshipper esperientziadun bat bazara, markako produktuak saltzea zure salmentak areagotzeko modu bikaina da.


CJ-k lagundu al dizu produktu hauek bidaltzen?

Bai! CJ dropshipping doako iturria eta bidalketa azkarra eskaintzeko gai da. Bai dropshipping eta handizkako negozioetarako irtenbide bakarra eskaintzen dugu.

Produktu zehatz baten preziorik onena lortzea zaila iruditzen bazaizu, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan formulario hau betez.

Gure webgune ofizialean ere erregistra zaitezke agente profesionalak edozein zalantzarekin kontsultatzeko!

Produktu onenak lortu nahi dituzu?
CJ Dropshipping-i buruz
CJ Dropshipping
CJ Dropshipping

Saltzen duzu, guk iturburu eta bidaltzen dizugu!

CJdropshipping bat-bateko soluzio plataforma bat da, hainbat zerbitzu eskaintzen dituena, besteak beste, hornikuntza, bidalketa eta biltegiratzea.

CJ Dropshipping-en helburua merkataritza elektronikoko nazioarteko ekintzaileei negozio arrakasta lortzen laguntzea da.