Tag: how to build a brand

Success comes to those who are prepared.

In this section, professional agents will share their experience and thoughts with various aspects of the e-commerce business.

From supplier chain to marketing, you can find every topic related to the business we work with.

We hope these articles will lead you to a depth understanding of dropshipping.

How To Write A Brand Plan For Your Dropshipping Store?

It is widely known that brand is essential for dropshipping business. To build a brand effectively, except for the brand logo or brand name design, it is necessary and essential to write a brand plan to execute the brand strategies better. In specific, a well-written brand plan focuses on an organization’s brand trust, resources, and tactics in the direction

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Successful Case, from DropShipping to Branding Shapermint

How do we discover dropshipping business model? CJDropshipping is one of the first dropshipping supply companies in China and strives to provide an all-in-one solution for aspiring entrepreneurs. Initially starting as a jewelry manufacturer on alibaba.com and aliexpress.com, CJ Dropshipping quickly grew to a multi-niche supplier for business around the world.

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Branding For Ecommerce

Branding your store goes further than a simple logo, but also considers the core philosophy that your business portrays.
There are several different criteria that you should be aware of when presenting your business. In this article we hope to shed some light on the optimal steps you should take when branding for eCommerce.

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