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CJ Dropshipping

You sell, We source and ship for you!

CJdropshipping is an all-in-one solution platform that provide various services including sourcing, shipping, and warehousing.

The goal of CJ Dropshipping is to help international eCommerce entrepreneurs to achieve business success.

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Branding For Ecommerce

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First impressions can make or break a sale. And as an entrepreneur, you want to make sure that you are presenting your business optimally. Branding your store goes further than a simple logo, but also considers the core philosophy that your business portrays.

There are several different criteria that you should be aware of when presenting your business. In this article we hope to shed some light on the optimal steps you should take when branding for eCommerce.


The topic of interest in a given market can be called a Niche. There are hundreds of different markets to tap into, each with its own demographic of customers. Knowing what products you want to sell or what customers you want to reach will determine the Niche your store with fall into.

Core Audience

Who are your customers? What age and gender are the demographic? Having a clear vision of who your core audience is will make it easier to tailor your brand around. They should feel like your store was made specifically for them because it should be.

Cross Interest

What other things are your core audience interested in. And how can you incorporate that into your brand aesthetically. 

Using tools like Google Trends and Facebook Audience Insight will give you the means of answering these questions. Do your research and try to figure out who your core audience is before the branding process. This will make it easier to target a specific market as you are tailoring your brand to fit that interest.

After you’ve done a considerable amount of research you can now build a store to suit your core audience. It’s at this point where you want to think of a name, logo, slogan, color pallet, and tone of voice for your store. Having all these things will give a sense of uniformity to your eCommerce site and advertisements.

Store Name

Your store name should be related to the Niche in some form. You will also be using this as your Domain Name/URL. Try to pick something memorable as you want it to stick in people’s heads and be easily repeated through word of mouth.


This is the symbol of your brand and should be easily recognizable. Typically logos are simple in shape and have no more than 4 colors incorporated into them.


Also known as a tagline. This is a short sentence that can sum up your overall brand philosophy. Short and sweet is the best approach.

Color Pallet

Some companies trademark the specific colors of their brand, this is how powerful color can be when establishing an identity. Starbucks has a certain shade of green that they use on all their products and uniforms. Do some research on color theory related to marketing and try to find five different colors that work well with each other.

The Tone of Voice

When a customer reads your ads and product descriptions, what tone of voice is heard in their mind. Car commercials have a different tone than an ad for Disneyland. And it’s up to you to determine what tone can your customer trust the most.

We hope this information has been helpful and gives you some idea of how to approach your next big venture. It’s very important to consider what image you are portraying to your potential customers.

And designing your brand with the customer in mind will improve your retention rates over longer terms. Gives you a much better chance of reaching the point of sustainability.


Can CJ Help You Dropship These products?

Yes! CJ dropshipping is able to provide free sourcing and fast shipping. We provide a one-stop solution for both dropshipping and wholesale businesses.

If you find it hard to source the best price for a specific product, feel free to contact us by filling out this form.

You can also register on our official website to consult professional agents with any questions!

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CJ Dropshipping
CJ Dropshipping

You sell, We source and ship for you!

CJdropshipping is an all-in-one solution platform that provide various services including sourcing, shipping, and warehousing.

The goal of CJ Dropshipping is to help international eCommerce entrepreneurs to achieve business success.